Sunday, October 25, 2015


Not afraid of the dark, spiders, or zombies. I'm not afraid of getting kidnapped or murdered in my sleep. I'm not afraid of snakes, Sharks, and heights. I'm not afraid of clowns and I'm definitely not afraid of drowning.

It's the easy things that make me uneasy.

I'm afraid of embarrassment, of divorce, and an evil world. I'm afraid of losing one of my children or one of my siblings. I'm afraid I won't be able to provide for my family or that I'll graduate and have nothing to show for it. I'm afraid my life won't be as promising as I picture it. Most of all I'm afraid of being a failure.


  1. Simple and true. I liked how you started out with everything you're NOT afraid of.


  2. sounds like you live in the future.

    my therapist says i do too.

  3. "Most of all I'm afraid of being a failure." UH! #stolen
    I love how simple and straight to the point this is. I think sometimes we over complicate things when it comes to blogging.
